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Product Design

Currently in my final year studying BA Product Design at Nottingham Trent University, I have spent nearly four years discovering who I am as a designer. Inspired during my placement year managing a leading gallery specialising in the collection and sales of vintage mid-century Nordic design, I now have a huge admiration for the old masters of furniture, lighting, textile, and ceramic design. Notable names include Hans J. Wegner, Paavo Tynell, Poul Hennningsen, Märta Måås-Fjetterström, and Stig Lindberg. I have tackled a multitude of diverse briefs during my studies, always placing emphasis on quality, sustainability, and justifiable function. My love for vintage design from around the world has pushed me to focus on the history of design however, and how we might preserve and celebrate this for decades to come, rather than continually produce and manufacture.

Design: Text
Design: Work

©2022 Adam Wolstenholme.

All rights reserved.


All images are mine unless stated.

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